Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Day Three Finally Over

Well, I don't know when I have felt so frustrated using the computer, probably not since my first experience using a PC in the mid 90s. Believe me it is NOT due to the instruction, the handouts, or my wonderful classmates. I would never have made it through the day if it had not been for Paul, Charlie, Kate and Jack. Each one helped me retain the minimal sanity I still had when I walked out of class.

So today was Podcasting. I really want to learn more about this because I think that this is one format that I will use often with the MSJ parents as their liaison. I plan on recording my monthly newsletter article in a Podcast on the school website . Our president and principal already do theirs this way (with the help of Paul). I think many parents would like to "hear" the information. Also, there are so many questions that parents have about the details of campus events that a podcast could provide in an easy method. It can reach lots of parents easily and often replace multiple phone calls I receive requesting the same information. This will be another valuable communication tool for me.

Why was I so FRUSTRATED?
So the source of the my angst was two fold: first, my computer's microphone setting reverted back to MUTE while I was attempting to play back my Audacity recording (which was actual recorded) and secondly, Tribal Shout would not recognize my gmail account. Oh, did I say account? I mean accounts! I must have registered about 8 new accounts. The problem was I did not receive the confirmation e-mail and it would not recognize my login in and password. It just did not work.

Also, at the end of the day (after about almost 2 hours trying to connect) when I finally succeeded and got into Tribal Shout, I discovered that I had only copied a shortcut to my recording onto my jump drive. At that point enough was enough and it was time to call it quits.

So will I return tomorrow? YES. I know that it will be a better day. I guess I learned that technology doesn't always work and that if I experience this frustration, others will too at some time or another. MOST importantly I learned that I'm blessed with a wonderful instructor, Paul Kellermann, and that his "new teacher assistant" Calvert Hall Charlie has a heart of gold and a mountain of patience.

Personally, I did not like the person I became as the frustration mounted. I do know that, as Scarlet O'Hara in Gone With the Wind said, "Tomorrow is another day!"

*I am thrilled for everyone's success (Kate and Jack--thanks for putting up with me as your computer neighbor).

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Second Day of Class Completed

So Day 2 is done and I am still pecking away on my Wiki (that doesn't sound nice). The name wiki may mean quick, quick but I feel slow, slow. I am such a visual and kinesethic learner that I really don't "GET IT" until I work directly on a project. So now at 7 p.m. I am beginning to see results that I can live with for the time being.

The class and the topics are actually exhilarating! It is exciting to have time to work on a new mode of technology that I know will have application to the work I do at Mt. St. Joe. The wiki has great potential with parents since it is not limited by location--the parents can view it, add to it, and discuss topics on it via cyberspace when they have time in their busy lives. They are not my "students" but they are vital to our school. So I want to think out of the box and brainstorm ways to use this wiki in the near future to enhance their experience at MSJ.

So what did I learn today? I learned that I need to take a deep breath, be confident that small successes will come and realize that my wiki will be a living document, forever changing as time goes by.

Oh yeah on the practical level, I learned how to embed a video, edit the navigation area, develop a vision for wiki use in my job, add images that are sized better than when I began the day, and also that so many of the tools I am using to create my wiki are already familiar to me because of my computer experience. I am not know exact why it all works, but IT DOES AND I AM PROGRESSING!
(BTW--a big thank you to all my classmates and teacher Paul who are patient with me when my frustration shows!)

Monday, July 28, 2008

End of First Day of Class

Challenging, exhilarating, fascinating, and confusing are the words I would use to describe today's class. Many of the terms used today are ones I had heard before but did not really understand what they were exactly. I find that the more I learn about technological capabilities at my fingertips, the less I really know! Even though I utilize the computer daily during the majority of my workday and in my leisure time, there is just so much to learn. So today I decided to walk through the day, trying to do something new about cyberspace.

So what did I learn? I can now set up my own blog, view other classmates' blogs, respond to their postings, create my igoogle account and even make tabs on it. So I did accomplish quite a few things. At the end of the day I realize that I can still learn a few more tech tricks, I enjoy a new challenge and I look forward to learning lots of new applications that will help me to enhance what I do at MSJ.

How will I use it? That is the million dollar question. Since I work with the parents, I wonder just how many of them would take the time to blog with all the other responsibilities they have each day. Remember, they are mostly digital immigrants. So I am open to suggestions. I think I am confusing blogging with web site information that I already use such as daily announcement postings, the e-mail broadcast that I have administrated for our school, and many other tasks. I may be able to use blogging to spark discussions about parenting topics. I guess I will have more clarity as the course continues. I am open to suggestions.

Besides the learning, it has been a pleasure to meet new fellow educators as well as reconnect with some of the wonderful people I work with and even some classmates whom I have crossed paths with in my past!

Starting the 2008-09 School Year

The first day of school is just around the corner. So what do you as a parent need to do to get "Johnny" ready? Remember, every parent experiences anxiety regardless if their son is starting nursery school or high school. The key to guiding your son is preparation and a calm spirit. Tell yourself that it is a process and that life experiences such as a new school year is a series of many small steps, one following another. Here is a simple guideline that may help you after you take a deep breath.

Use this checklist as a springboard and then add your own items:
  • Access son's course schedule (July home mailing)
  • Order books at
  • Read the Mount Book (the large school calendar containing all the rules/regulations) regarding dress code.
  • Buy dress code shoes, dress pants, shirts, ties, and school santioned MSJ polo shirts(available at the school Bookstore whose hours of operation are posted on school website).